Hands up if you like transcribing your own meeting notes! Hmm, I thought not!
Here at Lummus Virtual Solutions, we have a small team of transcriptionists ready to turn your spoken words into written words.
We can handle many forms of work in most formats (e.g. MP4 (as produced by Zoom or Teams), MP3, DSS, WMA and WAV - amongst others).
Examples of work undertaken include:
ππ» Clinical psychologist interviews or reports
ππ» Market research
ππ» Speeches, articles or interviews
ππ» HR hearings or file notes
ππ» Solicitor witness statements, file notes, letters or emails
ππ» Academic documents
We don't use software which interprets language matches as we find these can be a bit 'hit and miss'.
All files sent to us are transcribed by experienced audio typists, so you can be assured the copy is completed with maximum accuracy.
As a rule of thumb, an audio file takes approximately four times its length to transcribe. We then tend to allow a bit extra for proofreading. However, there are a number of factors that can impact on this.
Our pricing structure may be by the hour (for which we would provide an estimate) or by audio minute. Pricing is based on a number of factors, including:
ππ» Length of audio file
ππ» Subject of the audio file (technical language, for example)
ππ» Quality of the recording
ππ» Number of speakers (where there are a number of speakers, we ask that they introduce themselves at the start of the recording)
ππ» Accents of the speakers and if they are speaking across each other
ππ» Turnaround needed
ππ» Details of any template or formatting required
Unless advised otherwise, files are usually transcribed in intelligent verbatim, meaning that the words are captured, but at the transcriptionist's discretion, certain elements are omitted, such as umms, errs and repetitions - those that add no extra meaning to the script.
Clients usually send their audio files by We Transfer or by providing us with a link in One Drive, thereby ensuring compliance with Data Protection regulations. The resultant copy can be password-protected should the client so wish.
The team at Lummus Virtual Solutions work to the highest standards of confidentiality and security and is happy to sign any appropriate NDA. See my ICO registration here.
If you'd like to know more, I'm happy to set up a no-obligation consultation. You can send me a message here.
Let's just have a chat and see where it takes us!